Forum 2: Tourism

Attracting and Maintaining Senior Tourists as Customers - the Opportunities for Regions and Cities

Dr. Hanne Meyer-Hentschel, Meyer-Hentschel Institut, Saarbrücken

Cross-border Health Tourism - The Termali "d'Abano" in Veneto

Laura Schütz, Centro Studi Termali "P. d'Abano" (Italy)

Combining Health and Tourism - the Health Kuopio Programme in Finland

Leila Tolkki, HEALTH KUOPIO Programme, Project Manager of Health Tourism, Heikki Helve, HEALTH KUOPIO Programme/ City of Kuopio, Programme Manager

Tourism and Wellness

Bernd Hamann, Director of Kur- und Heilbäderverband North Rhine-Westphalia, Rolf von Bloh, Nordrhein-Westfälischer Heilbäderverband e.V., Director Saline Bad Sassendorf and Vera Wiehe WEGE mbH /ZIG

"fit und mobil": Public transport for active people 60+ in the VRR

Dr. Klaus Vorgang, Director, VRR Verkehrsverbund Rhein-Ruhr, Gelsenkirchen


Päivi Tahkokallio, National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health (STAKES) (Finland)


Jean Severijns, Provincie Limburg (Niederlande)

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