Active Employment Opportunities
Lead partner region
Mid-East Region Ireland
The Mid-East Region in Ireland, along with two partner regions in Brittany and UK, has received final approval by Interreg 4B NW Europe for the "Senior Enterprise" Initiative. This proposal, which was developed by the SEN@ER Network, and will include 9 Observer Regions in Germany, Holland and Luxemburg, will support and tap into the potential of people over 50. The objective is to increase the proportion of older people engaging with enterprise through giving them different choices to suit their circumstances and lifestyle. The Partners have developed a coordinated programme, which form separate but linked work packages, which are:
- Raising awareness of Senior Enterprise
- Starting and partnering businesses
- Investing in and acquiring a business
- Advising and supporting business innovation
This work programme will engage a variety of players and stakeholder, will be tailored to specific regional requirements and tested through a variety of means. The tested initiative will be transferable to other regions and will be used to attract further EU funding in this area. An interesting outcome of the project will be the creation of a European "Senior Enterprise Association", which will be a transnational "Club" of people wishing to engage with business and enterprise.
The total budget for the project is �1.8 million approx. with ERDF funding of �915,000 approx.
Further details of this project can be had from the lead partner � Mid-East Regional Authority, Ireland:
Responsible person
John Byrne
Mid-East Regional Authority
E-mail: mera at eircom dot net
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