SENER - Silver Economy Network of European Regions

A successful 4th European "Silver Economy in Europe 2010� conference was held in Limoges (France)

The fourth European �Silver Economy in Europe� attracted more than 200 participants from all over Europe to Limoges (France). The event followed the successful European Silver Economy conferences in Bonn (Germany) in 2005, Maastricht (Netherlands) 2006 and Sevilla (Spain) 2007. It was hosted by the SEN@ER partner Conseil R�gional Limousin from 28 � 29 January 2010. The conference included a roundtable on "Regional silver economy and ageing strategies - examples and lessons learned" with experts from different European regions and a series of parallel workshops followed by site visits and a public debate on the second day which took place in the Hotel de R�gion.

As part of a Silver Economy Good Practice Competition three applications received a good practice award which was awarded by Jean-Paul Denanot, the Pr�sident du conseil r�gional du Limousin. In the category A 'Strategies for ageing in the area of employment and voluntary work' the award went to the University of Strathclyde, Senior Studies Institute, Glasgow (Scotland) for their �Realising Your Potential (RYP) Project�. The category B 'Ageing well and wellbeing" price was awarded to the Caisse Primaire d�Assurance Maladie de la Creuse (CPAM) with their "Des Ateliers Equilibre � un programme �volutif de prise en charge globale du bien vieillir". The category C 'Local strategies for independent living' winner comes from Sweden and is the Blekinge Institute of Technology with its 'SeniorForum'.

Download: "Le Populaire" article (PDF 2 MB)

Further information can be obtained from the website of the Conseil r�gional du Limousin:

website of the Conseil r�gional du Limousin


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