SENER - Silver Economy Network of European Regions

Application Requirements

Companies from all sectors in industry, wholesale and retail and services, regional public administrations and authorities, NGOs as well as regional and economic development agencies and lobbyist institutions from all EU regions were eligible.

Categories for application

Participation in this competition required the completion of an application form in which a product or service, an economic co-operation or a regional silver economy network were described.

Applications could be submitted for the following categories:

Category A: Products and services

Products and services from industry, charity organisations etc. (this may include indirect measures such as specific training courses of organisations to prepare their staff for the requirements of this new market) which create a new market and at the same time improve the quality of life of older citizens.

Category B: Economic co-operations

Economic co-operations (networks) of organisations within industry which create a new market and at the same time improve the quality of life of older citizens.

Category C: Regional silver economy networks

Regional silver economy networks or co-operations initiated by public bodies or industry which create a new market and at the same time improve the quality of life of older citizens.

SEN@ER Secretariat · c/o empirica · Oxfordstraße 2 · D - 53111 Bonn · Fon: +49 228 985300 · Fax: +49 228 9853012 · E-Mail